Chemical Peels for Keratosis Pilaris Rubra

Tiffany Holley
Keratosis pilaris is quite a common condition which affects a person’s skin. It is a complicated name for something which is completely harmless but is considered to be aesthetically annoying to those who suffer from it. Those who do have keratosis pilaris are often afflicted with poor self perception and feel very self conscience about it. The condition known as keratosis pilaris is most often a result of genetics, but is also associated with a variety of other skin conditions. It can occur on all skin types and becomes worse when the skin is dry. During the winter season, because of the dry weather, keratosis pilaris can become worse. It happens most often in females and sometimes clears itself up in adulthood. chemical home skin peels at home Keratosis pilaris looks like tiny bumps on the surface of the skin – similar to what goosebumps look like except they do not go away. The area feels rough and when it lacks moisture, the skin may also feel itchy. Keratosis pilaris is connected to the process of keratin production. Keratin is an insoluble protein found in hair and nails as well as the most outer layer of the skin. It acts as a barrier against infections. Excess production of keratin will clog the pores and hair follicles which creates the appearance of the tiny bumps on the skin. Chemical peels which contain AHA’s (alpha hydroxy acids) have been used with success to treat keratosis pilaris. Because it is hereditary and there is no known cure, the condition will not completely subside but it can be significantly improved through the use of glycolic acid chemical peel products and other AHA peel products such as lactic acid. Glycolic acid peels work to remove the dead outer layer of skin cells which can unclog the pores to reveal smoother skin. The glycolic peels can be done every couple of weeks to achieve the best results and in between treatments a glycolic acid moisturizer will help to maintain the smoother skin. If you suffer from keratosis pilaris and you are ready to try a chemical peel to treat the condition, Skin Rx recommends starting out with a 30% glycolic acid peel or 30% lactic acid peel. For maintenance in between chemical peel treatments, try Glycolic Smoothing Gel. With a consistent skin care routine including the glycolic acid or lactic peels, the skin will begin to look and feel smoother.

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Jessner’s Chemical Peel

Susan Travis
Jessner’s Peel is a combination chemical skin peel treatment which has been proven effective in peeling away the superficial layers of the skin. It is a light chemical peel which is a combination of resorcinol, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. This combination provides more significant results than these ingredients used alone to achieve better exfoliation and deeper penetration. A Jessner peel can also be used for hyperpigmentation to lighten areas of the skin and even to treat brown spots due to aging or sun damage. Jessner’s peel works well on all skin types to smooth and rejuvenate the skin and improve mild to severe acne, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, and moderate wrinkles. Jessner’s chemical peel can be used on the face, neck, upper chest, and hands, as well. chemical home skin peels at home A Jessner's Peel is a medium depth peel, stronger than other chemical face peels on the market, which can either be done by a dermatologist or skin care professional or as an at home chemical peel. Because of the unique combination of ingredients, a Jessner’s peel can improve more extensive skin damage from acne, aging, and sun damage compared to lactic acid or glycolic acid peels. When you are ready to perform your Jessner peel, you will first need to cleanse your face with a glycolic cleanser such as

Skin Rx’s Glyco-Lactic Gel Cleanser. This will ensure that no dirt or oil is left behind on your skin so the Jessner peel will be able to properly penetrate your skin.  Once you have applied the Jessner’s chemical peel, it is normal to feel a mild burning sensation on your skin. It may help to have a fan close by which you can use to blow cool air onto your face to alleviate the burning feeling. A Jessner’s peel stays on for a short period of time as recommended on the product instructions and then it is to be rinsed off thoroughly with cool water. Over the next few days, your skin will peel or flake off to reveal healthier and smoother skin.

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