What is the Best Chemical Peel Treatment for Anti-Aging?

Tiffany Holley
Chemical peel treatments are a great way to erase the lines of time – as in those fine lines and wrinkles that you have been wanting to get rid of. There are a variety of different at home peels you could try for anti-aging. Some of the varieties of face peels are described below to help you decide which one is right for you. Light Chemical Peel – Light face peels are those in the alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) and the beta-hydroxy acids (BHA) category. These include glycolic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, and lactic acid peels. These can be performed either by a skin care professional such as an aesthetician or dermatologist or with a chemical home peel kit. With a light chemical peel, there is no need to be given anesthesia. You will experience only a slight sting but no pain. These types of acid peels take just 10 to 15 minutes each. After an AHA or BHA chemical skin peel, you will see the skin begin to slough off and may notice a mild redness for a day or two at which point you can resume your daily routine. Six to twelve at home peels are needed to see significant results depending on your own skin condition. chemical home skin peels at home Moderate Chemical Peel – Medium chemical peel treatments commonly use an ingredient referred to as Tricholoroacetic Acid (TCA). Sometimes with a TCA peel, anesthesia is given but the peel itself is said to have a numbing effect. It gives off a very warm sensation which some individuals may find uncomfortable. A Jessner peel is also a commonly used medium chemical peel which is a combination of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol. Medium chemical peels do not need to be performed as much or as often as light chemical peels for great results. They are only recommended every three to six months for best results. TCA and Jessner peels are great for all skin tones, even olive and darker complexions which is a great benefit when dramatic results are desired more quickly. Deep Chemical Peel – These deeper face peels will deliver the most dramatic results given that they use the most powerful chemical peel solution available and are solely performed by a doctor or skin care professional. Deep peel solutions are not available over the counter and should not be attempted by the chemical home peel user. Chemical skin peels are truly one of the most effective methods to improve the appearance of wrinkles. Skin Rx recommends trying these glycolic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, and lactic acid peels for your anti-aging skin care treatments.

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Glycolic Facial Acid Peels – The Basics

Tiffany Holley
True glycolic acid comes from the natural acids of fruit, also called alpha hydroxy acids. As a skin treatment, glycolic acid products are used to renew a person’s skin through peeling old, dead sun-damaged skin cells on the surface. Overall, glycolic acid is the most commonly used form of alpha-hydroxy-acid used for glycolic acid facial peels. There are 5 common fruit acids used for facial peels: citric acid peels (derived from the citrus fruits), lactic acid peels (derived from sour milk, but it’s still considered a fruit acid), glycolic acid peels (derived from sugar cane), malic acid peels (derived from apples), and tartaric acid peels (derived from grapes). chemical home skin peels at home Lactic Acid Peels - Lactic acid peels are a derivative of sour milk. Lactic acid is sometimes said to be a more mild chemical peel compared to a glycolic acid peel, though it is similar to how a glycolic facial peel works. People with super sensitive skin, such as those with Rosacea, sometimes prefer to try lactic acid peels first before moving on to glycolic acid products. Citric Acid Peels - Citric acid peels are easy to use, minimally invasive, but take many treatments to see significant improvement on the skin. Malic Acid Peels – Malic acid is used in the same way as a citric acid peel in that it is only mildly invasive and requires several treatments to get significant results. A malic acid peel is also used for acne treatments as it can open pores to allow the sebum to be cleared out which helps reduce blemishes. Tartaric Acid Peels – Tartaric acid is a derivative of grape extract. This type of peel is very similar to all other fruit acid peels and works to improve the skin and reduce acne with repeated treatments over time. Buffered Glycolic Acid - Buffered glycolic acid peels are neutralized to some degree to about a 2.1 on the pH scale. For the home user, a buffered glycolic acid product is considered safer. Unbuffered Glycolic Acid - Unbuffered glycolic acid peels have a lower pH and are known to be more aggressively and to produce faster results when applied to the skin. Unbuffered glycolic acid products should only be applied by a skin care professional or dermatologist for best results. Alpha-hydroxy-acids including the lactic acid, fruit acids, and glycolic acid, are a safe alternative to chemical peels which home users can use to obtain smoother, younger-looking and more even colored skin for those who do not want to or can not afford to get a peel from a physician or dermatologist. AHA facial peels can treat and improve the appearance of fine wrinkles, dryness, uneven skin color, and also acne. Different concentrations of an alpha-hydroxy-acid peel can be applied at regular intervals to achieve significant results. Skin Rx Clinic offers the very best glycolic acid products with high quality ingredients formulated to give home users the same results that can be achieved from a doctor strength glycolic peel. Skin Rx Clinic has 15% Glycolic Acid, 30% Glycolic Acid, and 40% Glycolic Acid products and a variety of Glycolic Peel Kits for beginners and experienced glycolic facial peel users alike.

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