What is the Difference in Chemical Peel Treatments vs. Microdermabrasion Treatments?

Tiffany Holley
Both chemical peel treatments and microdermabrasion treatments are used to resurface and exfoliate the skin. The treatments work in different ways to achieve similar results. Microdermabrasion is recommended to improve superficial skin imperfections. This includes mild acne scars, age spots or sun spots, enlarged or visible pores, and fine lines. A chemical peel, whether it is lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or other variation, is recommended for more serious skin conditions such as deep or severe acne scarring and moderate wrinkles or extensive sun damage. This means that the recovery time from a chemical peel may be longer as well. chemical home skin peels at home Microdermabrasion treatments come in just one strength, whereas a chemical skin peel is available in various strengths ranging from mild to medium to deep. A deep chemical peel is usually only administered by a skin care professional who may use anesthetic due to pain or discomfort involved. Microdermabrasion treatments do not hurt at all, even with several treatments. As far as recovery time involved for a chemical peel, it will depend on what acid was used and at what strength. If you are looking for something mild, a glycolic acid peel is recommended. While they require more than one treatment due to their mildness, glycolic acid peels do produce great results over time. Other face peels, such as a Jessner peel, may produce redness which lasts a bit longer and you may experience a burning sensation as they are a bit stronger due to the ingredients used. Microdermabrasion on the other hand, requires no downtime at all and the recovery takes just a few hours. When it comes to results, microdermabrasion will require several treatments to be optimally effective, sometimes up to ten or twelve treatments scheduled two weeks apart. A maintenance session of microdermabrasion treatments is then recommended every couple of months. In contrast, a deep chemical peel needs only one treatment. A medium chemical peel will require a treatment once every 6 weeks and then a maintenance treatment once every 2-3 months for a minimum of one year. Microdermabrasion and a chemical skin peel can be used on the face, chest, neck, back, and hands. Both treatments take about the same amount of time whether performed at home or in a professional skin care facility. Microdermabrasion and chemical peel treatments are both offered professionally in dermatologist’s offices and other skin care facilities but can also be performed with home versions.

Professional Microdermabrasion results at home

At home peels, which are usually milder than deep professional chemical peel treatments typically cost between $15-$100 per treatment and home microdermabrasion kits cost anywhere from $40-$65 which include multiple treatments.

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Home Microdermabrasion vs. Professional Microdermabrasion Treatments

Tiffany Holley
Microdermabrasion is a type of treatment for the skin in which tiny crystals are applied to the skin to remove the top layer by “sanding” or “polishing”. The microdermabrasion crystals work to remove the dead surface layer of skin cells to uncover a healthier layer of skin underneath. Personal microdermabrasion treatments work to stimulate the layers of skin underneath that dead outer layer to increase the production of elastin and collagen. This helps defy the aging process by providing a younger, healthier, and even firmer appearance. Home microdermabrasion is becoming more and more popular due to its low cost and convenience in comparison to microdermabrasion treatments given by a dermatologist or other skin care professional. People who are looking to use a microdermabrasion kit tend to ask a lot of questions about the difference in results when it comes to home microdermabrasion vs. professional microdermabrasion treatments.

Professional Microdermabrasion results at home

Professional Microdermabrasion Treatments Professional microdermabrasion treatments administered by a dermatologist or esthetician uses a special machine which sprays aluminum oxide crystals onto the skin. Only licensed professionals are allowed to use microdermabrasion machines. Professional microdermabrasion treatments are somewhat costly and usually at least ten treatments are recommended for dramatic improvement. Another form of professional microdermabrasion known as “Diamond Microdermabrasion” does not use crystals but instead a wand with a diamond tip is rubbed against the skin. With both types of professional microdermabrasion treatments, dead skin cells are removed and immediately sucked away with a vacuum tool. Personal microdermabrasion kits systems are becoming a popular alternative to professional microdermabrasion treatments. Microdermabrasion kits are less expensive than professional treatments and are quite easy to perform on oneself. Though not as powerful as professional quality microdermabrasion machines, a home microdermabrasion kit will still produce professional quality results when used as directed. While many of the most popular skin care companies have introduced their own version of home microdermabrasion including Olay and Neutrogena, there are other brands which can produce a more spa like experience with professional results. Skin Rx offers a microdermabrasion kit, Microdermabrasion Peel Kit # 1, which contains a unique combination of microdermabrasion crystals and glycolic acid for a double peel effect to rejuvenate the skin giving professional results. A home microdermabrasion kit is easy to use. A microdermabrasion cream is applied to the face and with a special tool, it is massaged into the skin. Rinse, cleanse, and use a toner – and it’s done! It’s easy even for a beginner. The major differences between professional microdermabrasion treatments and a home microdermabrasion kit comes down to cost and technology. You may see results more quickly with professional microdermabrasion treatments but they are much more expensive than home microdermabrasion. If you use your home microdermabrasion kit as directed, you will see significant results with continued use that are comparable to professional microdermabrasion treatments offered in a spa or dermatologist office.

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Dermabrasion vs Microdermabrasion

Tiffany Holley
Dermabrasion is a somewhat invasive skin procedure which entails the skin being frozen and then “sanded”. A special instrument is used by a skin care professional which applies the abrasion to the skin to remove the surface layer of skin and replace it with a layer of new, younger and fresher looking skin. Dermabrasion is done by a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or licensed skin care specialist. Microdermabrasion is a less invasive procedure. Microdermabrasion treatments involves using tiny crystals to remove the surface layer of skin which works to lessen the appearance of dull skin, brown spots or age spots, fine lines, minor acne scars. Microdermabrasion can be done by skin care professionals but home microdermabrasion is also an option. Dermabrasion was developed primarily for improvement of acne scars, pockmarks and other types of scaring. As knowledge of the procedure increased and technology improved, it can now also be used to treat wrinkles, age spots, and other skin defects. Microdermabrasion treatments are used only to improve the appearance of skin problems which are considered superficial. Personal microdermabrasion is effective on all skin colors and skin types to produce subtle changes and improvements over time. Even the best microdermabrasion products can not remove deeper skin problems such as stretch marks and severe acne scaring, however. Also when microdermabrasion creams are used, there is no down time like a person will have with dermabrasion treatments. One’s skin recovers fully within 24 hours of microdermabrasion treatments. Personal microdermabrasion is a great choice for the masses as it is non-surgical whereas dermabrasion carries some of the risks associated with surgical procedures because anesthetics are used and the skin bleeds and may not be right for everyone. The Procedures Dermabrasion is performed either in an outpatient center or in a plastic surgeon's office, depending on who is doing the treatments. In some cases, a patient is given medication in order to achieve relaxation during the treatment. The area to be treated will be cleansed and then a spray is applied which freezes the skin. An instrument with a high-speed rotary action with an abrasive surface is then used to remove the outer layers of the skin. Professional Microdermabrasion results at home Microdermabrasion treatments use special microdermabrasion creams with tiny crystals which are applied onto the skin using a gentle abrasion technique. This action removes only the dead surface layer of the skin. Personal microdermabrasion works to exfoliate the skin for total rejuvenation and skin cell renewal. Professional or home microdermabrasion kits are very effective to remove age spots and improve the appearance of fine lines to create a younger, more refreshed look and feel of the skin when microdermabrasion treatments are continued. For those who are looking to improve their skin without an invasive procedure, try a home microdermabrasion kit. Skin Rx recommends Microdermabrasion Peel Kit #1 which combines glycolic acid and microdermabrasion crystals for a “double peel” effect. This microdermabrasion kit includes everything you need for professional microdermabrasion treatments at home.

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Does Microdermabrasion Really Work?

Tiffany Holley
Professional Microdermabrasion results at home Microdermabrasion is a skin care treatment which was developed as a means to treat certain skin conditions such as large pores, acne and other blemishes, and fine lines due to aging. Many people prefer to try personal microdermabrasion before having costly cosmetic treatments because it is affordable and non-invasive in comparison. And an added benefit is that microdermabrasion systems can be used long term, so that you are continuously improving your skin. Microdermabrasion treatments do really work to loosen dead surface skin cells and exfoliate so that newer, revitalized skin can come to the surface. As a part of the normal aging process, our skin begins to lose that healthy, youthful glow. Our skin cell turnover slows down, which results in dead skin cell being accumulated on the skin’s surface. This is the reason for a dull appearance of the skin as we age which can make fine lines and wrinkles look even worse. Whether you choose home microdermabrasion or professional microdermabrasion treatments, what you get is a major exfoliation which removes the surface layer of dead skin cells to bring youthful glowing skin back to the surface. A microdermabrasion system has a special tool to gently exfoliate while being completely painless. The question for most people though is does it really work. The reality is that the majority of people who use microdermabrasion creams instantly notice a softer and smoother feel and appearance to the skin. It’s not always dramatically significant results after just one of the microdermabrasion treatments, but there is an improvement. If more dramatic results are desired, you will need to continue to perform your personal microdermabrasion treatments on a regular basis. The best microdermabrasion products contain high quality ingredients and give you a spa experience right in your own home. Skin Rx offers several microdermabrasion kits which contain everything you need to perform home microdermabrasion treatments. Microdermabrasion Peel Kit #1 contains the peel, brush, and a soothing serum for a complete treatment. Skin Rx’s microdermabrasion peel kits contain unique ingredients to offer a “double peel” through a combination of microdermabrasion crystals and glycolic acid.

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How to Use a Home Microdermabrasion Kit

Tiffany Holley
Whether you are using home microdermabrasion as a follow-up to professional microdermabrasion treatments or because you can not afford the cost otherwise, you will need to know a few basic instructions before you get started. Using your personal microdermabrasion system properly is the best way to ensure the most significant results. Follow these steps, using Skin Rx’s Microdermabrasion Peel Kit #1. 1. Wash face with a mild cleanser such as Skin Rx’s Arnica Facial Wash. After washing, rinse your face clean and gently pat your face dry. Patting dry gently helps to keep your skin calm. It is important not to skip this step, as your face needs to be clean before you use microdermabrasion creams. 2. Apply Microdermabrasion Peel to your face with the rotating wand applicator tool. For best results, work in small sections for 3 to 4 minutes on each section. As you apply the Microdermabrasion Peel to your face, you will feel a soft, fine sand-like texture which is the Corundum Crystals. This key ingredient, along with 10% glycolic acid, work to peel away dull surface skin and age spots to give a rejuvenated and younger-looking appearance. As you use the product with the applicator wand, you will see small clumps forming and falling off. This is the used product absorbing the dead skin which is peeling away from your face. Home microdermabrasion is good for reducing fine lines, acne scars, and uneven texture. The process also helps to get rid of sun damage, age spots, brown spots, and other areas of hyperpigmentation.

Professional Microdermabrasion results at home

3. You can repeat Step 2 until you have covered your entire face. The home microdermabrasion kit can also be used on your neck and other areas of the body such as your hands. Because age spots or brown spots are a common occurrence on the hands, microdermabrasion treatments are an easy and effective way to remove them. 4. Rinse face thoroughly to remove the microdermabrasion cream and dead skin cells when have been sloughed off. To avoid any unnecessary irritation, it is extremely important to rinse away every bit of the product and not leave any on the skin. Pat your skin dry again. Your face will feel very refreshed and smooth after your microdermabrasion treatments. You should not experience any pain or discomfort at all but your face may feel a bit tingly for awhile. rinsing 5. The last step is to apply Soothing Serum. This product contains Hyaluronic Acid to provide superior moisture and Canadian Willow Herb and Vitamin K to soothe and calm the skin.

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Microdermabrasion FAQ

Tiffany Holley
When you have questions about skin care topics like microdermabrasion, it is best to turn to the experts. Skin Rx Clinic has put together a comprehensive list about microdermabrasion treatments and everything involved. If you still have additional questions about microdermabrasion systems or home microdermabrasion, please post a comment and we’ll get back to you with an answer! Q: What Do Professional Microdermabrasion Treatments Involve? A: First, your skin will be cleaned using a specially formulated cleansing gel. The microdermabrasion procedure is then started with the use of a special hand-held device. The microdermabrasion crystals are then sandblasted onto your skin through a small tube. The same tube simultaneously vacuums off the dead skin cells which were removed. The flow of microdermabrasion cream begins at the moment the microdermabrasion wand is applied to the skin. The wand will be moved across your whole face, not just your problem areas, to achieve a consistent skin texture and color. Following your microdermabrasion treatments, a special soothing cream will be applied to your skin to nourish it and protect it from the sun. You can then get back to work or whatever your daily routine is immediately following the treatment.

Professional Microdermabrasion results at home

Q: Can Microdermabrasion Treatments Only Be Done By Skin Care Professionals? A: Originally, microdermabrasion could only be performed by trained plastic surgeons and later a variety of skin care professionals such as beauty spas and dermatologists became specially trained to perform professional microdermabrasion treatments. Today however, home microdermabrasion products allow anyone to perform this simple, yet effective, skin care treatment. Q: Do Microdermabrasion Systems Work To Even Out Red Marks On The Face? A: Microdermabrasion products work to remove the top surface layer of the skin. Over time and with multiple microdermabrasion treatments, red marks can fade or even disappear depending on their severity to begin with. Some red marks on the face will not disappear with microdermabrasion alone. Q: Does Microdermabrasion Do Anything For Younger People With Skin Problems? A: Microdermabrasion treatments are considered safe for young people with a variety of skin types. Microdermabrasion creams should not be used on anyone younger than 14 however, especially since teenagers and younger people still face major hormonal changes that could diminish the results of the microdermabrasion treatments. Q: Can Home Microdermabrasion Improve the Appearance of Stretch Marks? A: Yes, a microdermabrasion kit is design to exfoliate and shed the top layer of skin. For all intents and purposes, stretch marks are a part of your skin that has an uneven tone and texture. Microdermabrasion treatments have been proven to even out the skin’s texture and tone and can therefore reduce or erase some unsightly stretch marks. Q: Can I Use Microdermabrasion Creams On My Eyelids? A: No, home microdermabrasion creams are not meant to be used on your eyelids under any circumstances. This eye area is extremely thin and therefore prone to irritation or possibly even scarring because the skin can be easily damaged. There are alternative eye wrinkle creams that you should use on your eyelids instead to treat fine lines and wrinkles. Q: Can I Use Microdermabrasion Products for Skin Lightening? A: No. While microdermabrasion treatments do exfoliates and help you to shed the top layer of skin, it can not entirely lighten your complexion. Microdermabrasion products can, however, help even out blotchy skin tone for a more even appearance. Q: Who Is Suitable To Receive Microdermabrasion Treatments? A: If you are over the age of 14 and you have skin care concerns such as mild acne scars, blotchy or uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and/or age or sun spots, our microdermabrasion systems can probably help you. Microdermabrasion products work for all skin types and colors. Q: How Many Microdermabrasion Treatments Will I Need? A: The answer to this question depends on the severity of your skin care issues. For most people, significant changes are noticeable after at least five microdermabrasion treatments when done on a regular schedule. If you were to go to a dermatologist or other skin care professional for personal microdermabrasion, you would more than likely be told that you will need six to ten treatments, each about two to four weeks apart. However many treatments it takes you to reach your desired results, you will have to continue to use microdermabrasion products every two to three months to maintain the effects. Q: How Long Does a Microdermabrasion Treatment Take? A: Usually, your microdermabrasion treatments should take no more than 20 minutes from start to finish. If you are doing other areas of the body such as your neck or hands, the process will take longer. Home microdermabrasion is very simple, so you should be able to complete the process even in a half-hour lunch break! Q: Does Microdermabrasion Remove Acne Scars? A: For mild acne scars, microdermabrasion treatments can even out the skin’s overall texture and improve superficial acne scarring. If you have deep acne scars, microdermabrasion will not likely provide significant improvement. Q: Can Microdermabrasion Work as a Treatment for Hyperpigmentation? A: Skin Rx’s microdermabrasion system is a good choice for treating hyperpigmentation issues. The microdermabrasion creams help to remove the surface layer of the skin where those hyperpigmented skin cells gather. While it normally requires several microdermabrasion treatments, you will usually see significant improvement in a more even skin tone.

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