If you are just learning that you have Rosacea, it might be helpful to know that there are certain foods you should avoid which are known to trigger the condition. Rosacea has symptoms such as facial redness which lasts for extended periods of time, pimples, red lines on the face, swollen bumps on the nose, and eye irritation. Obviously you will want to do everything possible to avoid triggering an outbreak of Rosacea, even if it means giving up a few of your favorite foods.
The following foods are known triggers for Rosacea:
Spicy foods – includes foods that are blood vessel dilators such as vinegars, hot sauces, hot spices, various spicy seasonings and peppers (even black pepper) and spiced meat marinades.
Certain produce – includes tomatoes, citrus fruits and citrus juices, raisins, bananas, figs, red plums, peas, eggplant, spinach, avocados, lima beans, and navy beans
Certain Dairy Products – includes Cheese, Yogurt, and Sour Cream
Chocolate (sorry!)
Soy Sauce
Yeast Extract
In addition to avoiding Rosacea trigger foods, you can also use skin care products to keep the condition under control. The right skin care products are made for ultra sensitive skin and contain no irritants. Skin Rx recommends the following products for Rosacea:
Rosacea Kit #1 – Contains Arnica Facial Wash, Soothing Serum, Skin Recovery, Visible Lift Eye Gel, PVA Shammy. This kit is specifically made for highly sensitive skin and works to cleanse, heal, and calm the skin.
Aloe Soothing Mask – Aloe plays a huge role in calming, soothing, and hydrating the skin in this mask.
RosaPlex Skin Serum – This calming skin serum soothes and hydrates the skin while helping to resolve issues specific to Rosacea including flushing and redness, visible capillaries, pimples, and other symptoms.