While Fall is now officially here, the sun is still a threat! Just because temperatures start to cool off doesn’t mean you can’t get a sunburn. And for those of you lucky enough to be in a more tropical location like Florida or the Caribbean, you know that sunburn is something you have to avoid all year long.
If you have gotten out into the sun lately though and need to
treat your sunburn, the
Mayo Clinic has provided a few great tips:
Tip # 1 – See your doctor for severe sunburn.
If your sunburn seems particularly bad, you should see a doctor. He or she may be able to give you a prescription for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or Corticosteroid which can ease the pain and swelling.
Tip # 2 – Apply Cold Compresses
Cold compresses or cool water can be applied in a bath or shower or by placing a cloth with cool water directly on the skin. This should help you to feel a temporary relief from the heat of your sunburn.
Tip # 3 – Drink lots of water
To prevent getting dehydrated due to fluid loss which happens through the skin in the event of a sunburn, it is important to drink lots of water and fluids.
Tip # 4 – Apply a moisturizer
When you skin is sunburned, you should apply an intense moisturizing product which does not contain skin irritants. Skin Rx recommends the following skin moisturizer:
Advanced Protection SPF 30 – Not only does this cream have a built-in SPF 30, but it contains an intense moisturizing ingredient called Hyaluronic Acid which will hydrate the skin, soothe your sunburn, and prevent further sun damage to your skin.