
Double Loop Extractor. Are you a picker or squeezer? It is damaging to your skin. Most pickers and squeezers have scarring in the skin from improper, unsanitary methods of extracting pimples or blackheads. When you pick or squeeze the blemishes, germs and bacteria rush into the area and cause larger pimples, more pimples, whiteheads, pus pockets and under ground cysts.
This is an extractor tool with 2 different loop sizes for small or large blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. The flatter end loop minimizes bruising and skin irritation. The sure grip handle allows for easy use without slipping. Used by Dermatologists and Skin Care Professionals, these stainless steel medical instruments are the finest Precision tools for extractions.

Contains: Stainless steel.

Directions: TIP: After a warm shower, sauna, or hot towel wrap is a good time to do extractions

Step 1 Thoroughly cleanse your skin with our recommended Jojoba Exfoliating Cleanser

Step 2 Thoroughly wipe your skin with a anti-bacterial wipe (wipe not included).

Step 3 Using a sterile Stainless Steel Lancet, insert the tip of it directly into the pimple head 1-2 times only. Throw the lancet away, you cannot use it again.

Step 4 Use the Double Loop Extractor to gently apply pressure over the pimple head. If material is expelled, absorb it with a clean tissue. Then press again to be sure all material is expelled.

Step 5 Wash the area again, thoroughly with anti-bacterial cleanser.

TIP: Apply a acne type masque such as our Aloe Soothing Masque in a thick layer after doing an extraction. Remove in 10 minutes. Be sure to cleanse the skin thoroughly with a mild face cleanser which disinfects when finished, and clean your facial cleansing tools with alcohol or hot water.

Use the same method for blackheads, except omit the sterile lancet step.

NEVER squeeze at cysts or use the above method on a cyst. A cyst will not come out and will cause scarring if you attempt to remove it. Instead, use drying and exfoliating agents like Skin Rx Glycolic Acid Peels, Lotion, Cleanser and Smoothing Gel 2-3 times a day. It will begin to shrink and eventually will disappear. Feel free to use ice and hot compresses (alternating) on cysts. Remember, a cyst looks much better aesthetically as just a bump under the skin and can be covered easily, but when you have squeezed it and opened it, it will look disastrous for weeks. Think before you pick. Be sure to disinfect the skin when finished and clean your facial cleansing tools with alcohol or soap and  hot water.

 What it Treats: A blackhead is a plug of dry, dehydrated sebum that gets stuck in the pores of your skin for any of several reasons, including production of excess oil, lack of water in your system, excess dead cells blocking the pore opening, and improper skin cleansing.

Double Loop Extractor $8.00

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