Do At Home Peels Have Side Effects?
At home peels are a common and logical skin care choice for those who are looking to rejuvenate their complexion to achieve a smoother texture and younger appearance. A chemical home peel works to exfoliate and remove layers of dead skin cells for a more affordable price than going to a doctor’s office or a professional skin spa. If you have never tried a chemical skin peel at home before, you may be concerned about whether or not you will experience side effects and if so, what they are.
First of all, chemical peels with quality ingredients can be used at home to treat and improve sun damage, skin discolorations, acne and acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles. When used as directed, you will also see smoother, brighter appearance of the skin overall as you restore the healthy glow you once had. This is accomplished as the face peels remove outer layers of skin cells with chemical ingredients such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid. The acid face peels are very effective in revealing the underlying skin as the peel process works its magic.
At home peels come in kits which contain the same active ingredients as professional chemical peels. The difference is usually either in pH or concentration. Chemical home peel products are made to be safe for the home user, even for a beginner who has never performed a chemical peel before. No medical assistance is required for at home peels. Common ingredients found in chemical home peel kits can include lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, resorcinol, and others.
At home peels are specifically formulated to have a lower risk of side effects to home users. For example, a professional chemical peel treatment can cause redness that lasts for weeks, but a chemical home peel recovery time takes just a few hours or a couple of days at most. It is quite simple to perform a chemical home peel. Just follow the directions on the product packaging and in less than 15 minutes, the treatment is complete. While performing a “peel” may sound scary or intimidating, it is not literally a “peel” that you will notice after the treatment is complete. Instead, you will see your skin is exfoliated and sloughed off over a period of a few days.
If you are considering using a chemical home peel, just be sure to purchase products only with high quality ingredients. Pay attention to your skin’s reaction and if you find your skin is sensitive to a chemical peel treatment, try a lower strength and do not use it too often. Moisturize well after performing any at home peels and only use as directed for safety and best results. For high quality at home peels, try Skin Rx glycolic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, and lactic acid peels.